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One call could save you thousands
InstantCallBlast.net exists to provide political campaign services and pre-recorded automated messages in the commercial, emergency notification, political, and any other industries that our products and services may compliment.
By providing fast response, informed expertise, and consistently high quality solutions, InstantCallBlast.net generates enough satisfied repeat customers to provide a stable customer base.
To provide the best possible service, lowest prices, and customer service that is unparalleled by any other company in the industry.


Instant Call Blast would like to remind everyone visiting their website that they have not, are not, or will not partake in any illegal activities concerning robocalls, prerecorded messages, or telemarketing. It is unfortunate that other "forces" wish to abolish this emerging technology; engaging in smear campaigns and linking Instant Call Blast with voter suppression. Everyone at Instant Call Blast firmly believes in the laws governing this nation and hold dear the principles of democracy. Instant Call Blast's system can be used to inform a large audience in a matter of minutes, there are safegaurds in place that prevent any type of wrongdoing or malicious behavior that have been outlined in voter suppression studies. Instant Call Blast cannot say with certainty that every company within this industry acts in an ethical manner, but it is unfair to single out a company that has gone the distance to make sure that this company acts in an ethical manner. Before making your decision by an uneducated, biased study, gather all of the facts and base your decision with an unbiased mind. If you have any further questions, please feel free to direct them to customersupport@instantcallblast.net.


Anthony Morelle
Antmore Technologies, LLC

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